👉🏻 You can download a PDF copy of my CV here.
🎓 Education
- Ph.D. in Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, 2019-now
- M.Sc. in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, Maastricht University (2016-2018)
- B.Sc. in Management and Economics, Ruhr University Bochum (2011-2015)
👩🏻🔬 Work experience
- Doctoral Researcher (Jul 2019 - now)
- Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germany)
- Main topic of research: The psychology and neuroscience of human randomization
- Conducted research projects including:
- Designed, scripted and executed a neuroimaging study (functional magnetic resonance imaging) using Python, successfully collected brain data from 90 people. Analyzed data using both classic univariate and multivariate (linear support vector machine algorithm) methods in MATLAB, manuscript in submission process
- Executed an online psychology experiment by planning and scripting with JavaScript/HTML/CSS. Collected experimental data from 543 people and conducted detailed analysis of the behavioral data resulting in a published manuscript.
- Scripted another online psychology experiment and collected data from 96 participants leading to a published manuscript.
- Supervised two master students
- Research intern (Nov 2017 - Jul 2018)
- Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Berlin (Germany)
- Worked on a project on memory-guided reinforcement learning with diffusion weighted neuroimaging
- Conducted the experiment with 32 participants, analyzed the data with FSL, a command line interface tool to analyze diffusion weighted images
- Research assistant (May 2015 - Jul 2018)
- Leibniz Institute for Economic Research Essen (Germany) (formerly known as RWI Essen)
- Involved in several behavioral economics projects, learned using STATA for statistical analysis, project on green electricity and willingness-to-pay resulted in a publication.
💪🏻 Skills
Technical skills
- Python
- Packages I work with include: Pandas, NumPy, matplotlib, scikitlearn, tensorflow, streamlit, networkX
- Exploratory data analysis
- Inferential statistics
- Neuroimaging analysis including Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) toolbox and the decoding toolbox (TDT)
- JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Basic knowledge in R
- Basic knowledge in SQL
- github version control
- German (native)
- Russian (native)
- English (C2)
- French (intermediate)
- Ukrainian (basic)
- Italian (basic)
Soft skills
- Autodidact, enthusiastic about learning things
- Creative problem solver
- Organized and structured working style
- Visual communication
- Perseverance and resilience
- Detail-oriented, clean work
📝 Publications
- “Neural correlates of behavioral randomization”, Guseva, M., Bogler, C., Allefeld, C., Ziya, E.B., & Haynes, J. D. in submission process, preprint on bioRxiv.
- Instruction effects on randomness in sequence generation. Guseva, M., Bogler, C., Allefeld, C., & Haynes, J. D. (2023) in Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1113654.
- Surgical face masks do not impair the decoding of facial expressions of negative affect more severely in older than in younger adults. Henke, L., Guseva, M., Wagemans, K., Pischedda, D., Haynes, J. D., Jahn, G., & Anders, S. (2022) in Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 7(1), 1-15.
- Willingness-to-pay for Green Electricity: The Increasing Gap Between Fiction and Reality. Andor, M., Frondel, M., Guseva, M., Sommer, S. in Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 40, 199–209 (2016).
🫀 Hobbies
- Visual art, painting & drawing, occasional commision work
- Personal programming projects (see Projects)
- Dancing, physical activity
- Drumming